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King's College London

King's College London is one of the world's leading research and teaching universities based in the heart of London. The project is supported by the Culture teams and involves collaborations with the Department of Geography and King’s students from across the university.


Thames 21

Thames 21 is the voice for London’s waterways, working with communities to improve rivers and canals for people and wildlife.

Port of London Authority 

Port of London works to ensure navigational safety along the tidal Thames, sharing its marine, environmental, planning and other expertise to promote use of the river and safeguard its unique marine environment.

Totally Thames Festival

Totally Thames Festival takes place over the month of September and brings the river to life via an exciting season of arts, cultural and river events throughout the 42-mile stretch of the Thames in London. The programme is promoted widely both nationally and internationally and with our partner organisations. In 2015, 2.6 million people attended over 150 Totally Thames events and the London-wide marketing and PR campaign achieved a reach of 124 million people.



Hubbub makes environmental matters matter, creating fun campaigns that people latch onto and which go on to have a life of their own. We take a fresh approach to communicating environmental issues, focusing on people’s passions such as fashion, food, homes and neighbourhoods.



Tideway is the organisation delivering the Thames Tideway Tunnel, on behalf of its owners at Bazalgette Tunnel Ltd. Tideway employs more than 400 highly experienced professionals to deliver the 25 kilometre sewer tunnel needed to prevent an average 20 million tonnes each year of untreated sewage discharging into the tidal River Thames in London.

eXXpedition RoundBritain 2017

eXXpedition is a series of all-female sailing voyages on a mission to make the unseen seen – from plastics and toxics in the oceans to those in our own bodies. eXXpedition Round Britain 2017 plans a circumnavigation of the British Isles visiting major ports in Autumn ’17.

Thames Estuary Partnership

As the only non-campaigning organisation looking after one of the world’s premier rivers, we provide a framework for sustainable management of the Thames. With a strong network of over 4000 stakeholders, we are an effective membership organisation delivering best practice, knowledge sharing and key connections to achieve a thriving living and working river for London.

Thames Litter Forum

Thames Litter Forum meets quarterly. Litter and Thames organisations, university researchers and relevant authorities are part of the forum to maximise the work already undertaken by individual organisations and networks. The focus of the forum will be on protecting flora and fauna, developing a Thames specific network and setting up an evidence group facilitating foreshore and water column research.


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